Carrier Pigeon: World Tour

A game about new beginnings and delivering mail.

My Design Process

Character Concept

This concept originated from the mailman-pigeon character shown to the left. This character was just an off-hand idea I had that I liked aesthetically, and I then chose to build a game concept around this character. Specifically, I was playing around with things that don't belong - eg, a backpack on a pigeon. And from here, I considered the environment and decided that this character would spend most of its time somewhere that it doesn't traditionally belong. For the concept art, I specifically chose to put this character in a desert canyon, because not only would you not naturally see a pigeon here but also, the contrasting colour language really pushes the theme of not belonging.

Character Model

I chose to model a simple low-poly character prototype for the purposes of setting up a gameplay demo. My knowledge of 3D asset creation at this time was very limited, and this model would not be taken any further other than being used for my pitch video so my main focus was less on good topology and more on colour theory and tone. Overall I wanted this to "set the vibe" of the game rather than being a functional asset, and I think this was a decent attempt. I did also rig this, having never rigged before, which can be seen demonstrated in my pitch video, but this ended up being unnecessary for the gameplay demo.

Environment Concept

The image to the left shows my environment concept mock-up. As mentioned, colour language was a strong priority for me here so I focused on vibrant colours that were slightly too bright to be natural. I copied a screenshot of my 3D pigeon model into this scene so that I could accurately colour the scene based on this model. 

I chose to depict a potential scene showing what the game screen would look like during gameplay. The badges in the top corner represent the badges the player must collect (one of these can be seen in the distance) and there is a progress bar for the mail deliveries.

Carrier Pigeon World Tour.pdf

Concept Pitch

This document shows my pitch following the BAFTA YGD concept form. The questions from this form have been copied out in bold with the character counts included to allow me to structure my responses. This document also includes some of my personal notes regarding my submission.

This document gives a far more detailed description of the concept, focusing on the narrative behind the game and the backstory of the main character. There is also a focus on gameplay and environment, as well as some technical specifications included. Whilst this is not structured as a traditional GDD it details more information regarding gameplay specifics and the player story.